Humans’ reliance on eyesight is almost absolute. It is taken for granted that over the course of a lifetime, the eyes will continue to relay the surfeit of visual information required by the brain to help navigate environments and interact with the world around us.
But because we live in a blue world, vision comes at a cost exacted daily when the eyes are open. Luckily, with Lutein, there is a protective solution.
There are known and cost-effective interventions, including early and adequate dietary intake of the macular carotenoids lutein, RR-zeaxanthin and RS [meso]-zeaxanthin. Consistent and daily intake of these nutrients plays a key role in visual function and protection, especially from consistent exposure to blue light. When asked, most people rank vision loss as one of the worst possible health outcomes, more than losing hearing, memory, speech, or a limb.1 It is not difficult to understand why because vision impairment and blindness are less about the physiological outcome (i.e. not being able to see) and more about the consequence of a disconnection from the world and the loss of independence that healthy vision provides.